How to find a girl to marry is getting difficult

 How difficult is it to find a girl to marry in india?

  1. Middle class Indian families have this problem, especially the self made guys and girls who wanted to be their family's ideals.
  2. They were baised towards their caste only. And are the best sons or daughters who listen to parental advice all the time. So not interested in dating, want to marry just like their parents did, but the society now is changing very rapidly.

  1. The boys wanted modern educated girls with good looks, good family, career and at same time being simple. This league is currently on a path of extinction in marriage mart. The girl with 20l pa salary in Google Hyderabad doesn't want to go to small town guy even if he is an IPS. What is the use of her education if she has to be financially dependent on the guy. Although the guy is really interested and wants her to be a trophy wife, she is scared of the dowry amount that might be demanded by the boy's parents. Some rules of society are so deeply ingrained in our minds that it's hard to get rid of them.
  2. Housewives don't have much work to do in modern world due to modern gadgets. So no wonder many get bored if forced to quit job unless they have extended families or kids. Many boys ask for working woman not for money but for compatibility. These wives understand the work load of a maddening office of their husbands. But searching a housewife is futile if a guy wants a highly educated woman to give up her financial independence to be with him (she won't unless she is madly in love with the guy).
    1. Case 1: Role of women have not changed even with education or jobs. They are still expected to take care of the house as per in-laws even if the guy is supportive about it. The good guy won't raise a question to his parents. The girl won't accept it, she doesn't get anything out of it as per her mindset. So she doesn't enter this marriage. Better single and cook for one rather than for 5 people after marriage.
    2. Case 2: One of the IXX (High Govt service) guy who married the so called having “degree” but “lazy” girl (not interested in job) seeing her family riches, couldn't match her high lifestyle demands and the issues arising from it. He is battling his life since he can't divorce or forgive her. And she is happily roaming with her boyfriend. That's the worst thing a woman can do. She married him for namesake. So other guys are damn scared of similar misfortune. (Edit 1: The girl is a powerful lawyer's daughter, she wanted an affluent lifestyle, her dad got her a simple guy who is “ideal husband” of last century. Requirement mismatch- parents don't understand that all nice folks are not suitable for all types of guys or girls).
  3. Coming down to the actual working girl whom these boys are actually looking for: She is no longer looking for marriage as a priority. She has everything she needs to lead a happy life all alone. Why should she agree to listen to any demand of any guy unless she finds love or compatibility in her man? She had been taught that she is a liability since her childhood and now she has started proving it wrong with her salary. She has a pride - some call it self respect, some arrogance. And the degree of this pride and fear of losing control over her own life decides her ability to choose the guy. She might agree to a lower income guy in her own office rather than this IITian working in a remote location. And yes, she can stay single- why risk dowry and extra work load?


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